12 minus 9 plus three equals six...
After yet another excuse for a performance show, we're going to whittle the field a little more. Because THIS is American Idol. And this is a simulblog, where I'm typing as the action is unfolding on the East Coast, so if you are in the West and want to be surprised, it's time to leave.
If you want to be spoiled, though, hang out. Because the show has begun.
Ryan starts the show off in the typical fashion, before dramatically asking America "what have you done?" just as he gazes at Normund Gentle, the guy I have a crush on.
And after reminding us how each of the kids got to this point, we're treated to a group sing!! It has a lot of snappy dance moves and even more bad singing. Whew. That finally ends.
And Ryan throws us to a commercial by promising an unseen audition when we return.
Random thought: I love the Etrade commercials with the little babies. Can't help it.
We get to see last night's highlights. Oh yea! And here I've tried so hard to avoid them. Alas.
Ryan asks a selection of the kids assorted time-filling questions. Danny, Alexis and Michael are sitting behind three brand new shiny stools.
Alison is summoned to join Ryan. She gets reminding of how great the judges thought she was. She is sent to the side and Jessie is called. She is also shuffled aside and Matt B. is brought up.
Randy is asked which of the three will make the 12. He hopes that it's Alison. And it is. And she sings.
Alison says she is "so happy." And we're happy for her. Megan is brought to the stage. She gets her reviews. Kris is also at the stage and gets his reviews. Both are shuffled to the side.
Matt G. and Jeanine are put through the same treatment. One of them is a finalist. Paula is asked which one she thinks it is. She says she's torn between three of the four of them.
Ryan puts Jeanine out of her misery with a trip back to the sofa. Matt is also sent away, leaving Kris and Megan are left. Kara starts babbling and goes on about two days too long. Kris Allen is given the good news.
And he gets to sing again.
Okay, now I'm getting a little angry. There is absolutely no reason for these results shows to be more than 30 minutes. They named two of the three, they've done their group sing. And now they're just killing time by rerunning the "What a Wonderful World" retrospective that they showed on the season premiere.
Pardon me while I gripe.
Brooke is back. She's sitting at a keyboard and gives a rah rah speech to the contestants. She looks good and sounds just like Brooke. It's an okay song, very Carole King-ish. Hopefully she'll get lots of downloads. It's available on iTunes, you know.
The rest of the cast is brought to the eyeball. Mishavonna says she stands by her song choice. Kai says he has no regrets. Jasmine says she has no clue what's going to happen. Those three are given the bad news and their pink slips to the sofa, leaving us with Nick/Normund and Adam.
And we have a break...
When we return the guys are given their reviews from the night before. Nick/Normund is told he is leaving and Adam is sticking around. And Adam gets to sing. Again.
And with that we're at six, half of the final field.
Next week we have a performance episode on Tuesday with the results the next night, followed by the Thursday Wildcard episode, details of which are sketchy at best. I'll be seeing you then.
But in the meantime, what are your thoughts of this week and this season in general? Leave them in the comments!