Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Another best season ever...

The premiere of the fifth season of American Idol is just 20 days away. And yes, once again, we will be treated/tortured by seven nights of audition high/lowlights in what Simon is calling "the best season yet."

The best season ever? Wouldn't that make this about the fourth best season ever?

Never mind.

USA Today has given us a peek at the schedule up to March 14 when the top twelve begin in final competition. Again, Idol is staying with the Tuesday performance/Wednesday reveal formula, despite thoughts of a switch to a Tuesday/Thursday format. And Randy says the kids this time want the prize more than any other group, alluding to "interesting fighting and dialogue" among the contestants. Oooo! Does this mean another Julia DeMato/Kim Caldwell-fest? Let's hope so!

And, since it seemed to work so successfully last season, we're returning to the top 12 boys and top 12 girls, reducing each gender group to six for a final 12 format. No wildcards again this season.

Here's the schedule:

Tuesday January 17 (2 hours) Audtions
Wednesday January 18 (1 hour) Auditions
Tuesday January 24 (2 hrs) Auditions
Wednesday January 25 (1 hr) Auditions
Tuesday January 31 (1 hr) Auditions
Wednesday February 1 (1 hr) Auditions
Tuesday February 7 (1 hr) Final Audition Episode!
Wednesday February 8 (1 hr) Hollywood
Tuesday February 14 (1 hr) Hollywood
Wednesday February 15 (1 hr) Hollywood
Tuesday February 21 (1 hr) Top 12 Men
Wednesday February 22 (1 hr) Top 12 Women
Thursday February 23 Top 12 Results
Tuesday February 28 (1 hr) Top 10 Men
Wednesday March 1 (1 hr) Top 10 Women
Thursday March 2 Top 10 Results
Tuesday March 7 (1 hr) Top 8 Men
Wednesday March 8 (1 hr) Top 8 Women
Thursday March 9 Top 8 Results (End of semi-final round)
Tuesday March 14 (1 hr) Final 12 begin


Blogger Vivian said...

I'm ready for Simon, Paula, Randy and Jennifer! You are as much a part of AI as they are in my book! I like the new look of your AI blog....the font color on this background is not hard to read at all. I hope Bo Bice makes some guest appearances this season!

1:43 PM, December 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooo ooooo I cant wait for season 5!!! THere is nothing to look forward to on TV these days
:( I love your AI blog, im so glad you have a place for all us fans!

9:01 AM, December 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY! I am SO excited for this season! I hope it's all they are saying it'll be! :)
I also cannot wait to keep up with it, thanks to you!

12:16 PM, December 29, 2005  
Blogger jennifer said...


5:54 PM, January 11, 2006  

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